If you’ve been tasked with writing a speech, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or unsure about how to get started. We get it; we’ve been there. Public speaking isn’t easy! But with the right tools, writing and delivering an effective speech isn’t difficult.
A well-written speech is a memorable one, and when tasked with giving a speech, this is one of your primary goals. You may also have a secondary goal, like teaching the audience something new, congratulating one or more people, persuading listeners to take a specific position, or promoting yourself or another individual.
What is a speech?
A speech is a piece of verbal communication, typically given to a crowd. This could be at a workplace event, a ceremony such as a wedding or graduation, as part of a political campaign, or when you’re asked to weigh in on a topic as an expert.
There’s no specific length for a speech, but in most cases, they typically last about 10 to 20 minutes. When written, this totals about 1,300 to 2,600 words. But this can vary according to factors like how fast you speak and whether you’ll incorporate visuals into your speech, like a set of slides for a work presentation.
Types of speeches
Informative speech
An informative speech is a speech given to educate listeners. It can be about any topic, such as new research, a historical figure, current or historical events, or an animal species. Informative speeches communicate facts and relevant statistics.
Persuasive speech
A persuasive speech aims to guide listeners to take a certain action, such as voting a certain way. They are often part of political campaigns but may also be given by entertainers and other public figures. Generally, persuasive speeches include facts to support the speaker’s claims.
Keynote speech
A keynote speech is a speech given at the beginning of an event to set the tone for the event. Often, they’re given at corporate functions, graduation ceremonies, and industry conferences. A keynote speech is usually upbeat and motivational.
Motivational speech
A motivational speech is a speech given to energize the crowd and inspire them to take action. The difference between a motivational speech and a persuasive speech is that motivational speeches rely primarily on anecdotes and words of encouragement for the listeners, rather than facts meant to drive their behavior.
Pitch speech
A pitch speech is a sales speech typically given to potential buyers or investors. In a pitch speech, the speaker discusses the benefits and capabilities of their product or service. In many cases, pitch speeches are tailored to their specific audiences and the speaker’s goal, such as motivating the audience to buy or invest in building or launching a product.
Oratorical speech
Oratorical speeches are formal speeches, often given at weddings and other milestone ceremonies, that speak about the event. This could be a toast to the new couple, the retiree, or the graduate, or a discussion of the event’s importance.
A eulogy is a speech given at a funeral, typically by a religious leader or somebody close to the deceased person. A eulogy honors the deceased individual, often discussing their achievements and the positive relationships they maintained during their life.
6 steps for writing an effective speech
As you start the speech preparation process, remember the following speechwriting tips. This can ensure that you stay on track and that your speech is appropriate and effective for its audience. Developing strong speechwriting skills can make you a better writer and speaker.
1 Define audience and purpose
The first step in speechwriting is determining who will be listening to your speech and why they should care about your topic. Define the type of speech you’ll be giving, such as a keynote, informative, persuasive, or another type of speech, to determine factors like the right length, tone, and information to include.
Each kind of speech requires a unique tone and approach to speech delivery. For example, the purpose of a keynote speech is to set the tone for an event, like a corporate gathering or a graduation ceremony. Because of this, a keynote speech typically has an upbeat, optimistic tone, and its content focuses on the event’s theme, emphasizing the reasons why the event is being held. In contrast, a persuasive speech aims to drive its audience to take a specific action, so it needs a more urgent tone and focuses on the facts and statistics meant to push listeners to take action.
2 Research and gather resources
After defining your speech’s audience and purpose, start the prewriting process. When you’re writing a speech that will be delivered as part of a series of speeches, like a maid of honor speech at a wedding, it can be helpful to connect with others who’ll be speaking at the event to coordinate things like:
- Length
- Tone
- Topics you’ll cover
Your speeches don’t have to match exactly, but knowing what the other speakers plan to say and how long they plan to speak can help you craft an effective speech.
This is also the point where you should conduct any necessary research related to your speech. This could mean gathering relevant facts and statistics to cite for an informative speech. For a keynote speech, it could mean collecting anecdotes to weave into the speech. Depending on the kind of speech you’re giving, you may also want to include impactful quotes. For example, you may opt to include a quote from your company’s founder in a speech written for a workplace event.
Before moving on to the next stage of writing a speech, organize your ideas into a clear outline. This way, you can visualize where each piece of information will fit into the speech.
3 Write a compelling introduction
As you write the speech’s introduction, focus on crafting an engaging hook that captures listeners’ attention and keeps them engaged. Effective hooks include asking rhetorical questions, stating surprising facts or statistics, and sometimes saying something that makes the audience laugh or do a double-take. Here are a few examples of hooks that could work in different types of speeches:
Keynote: 42% of college graduates never read another book after college. Hopefully, you all will defy this statistic.
Oratorical: When I met the bride, she told me her name was Brianna. I believed her for months. I only found out the truth when I asked our teacher if I could be seat buddies with Brianna on the bus ride for our next field trip, and I was promptly informed that there was no Brianna in our class. Turns out, her name is Sam.
Motivational: If you could meet your 10-year-old self, what would they think of you?
4 Structure the body of the speech
After the introduction, support your speech’s key points with body sections. Just like an essay, stick to one main idea for each supporting paragraph.
Determine the most logical way to order your speech’s body sections from your outline. Flow is important in a speech because if listeners can’t follow the narrative, they won’t grasp or internalize its content. Lean on storytelling techniques to make your speech flow more easily. This includes things like transition words between sections and the use of literary devices, like anaphora and metaphor, to engage readers.
Keep your audience in mind as you write your speech’s body sections. Are they a technical audience who will understand a speech that includes industry jargon and complex figures, or are they a general audience that needs to have concepts explained in a more accessible way?
Try to find the right balance between sharing in-depth content and ensuring that everybody in the room understands it. This can even extend to more personal speeches, like a best man speech—inside jokes can be fine at a bachelor party or a small wedding, but if most guests won’t understand them, leave them out of the speech.
5 Close with impact
Just like a speech that opens with an engaging hook, it should end with a powerful final statement. Focus on your speech’s goal: Is it to entertain the audience? Inform them? Persuade them? Set the stage? With a goal in mind, next think about the most impactful piece of information you shared in the speech. Find a way to repeat this information and deliver it in a way that leaves an impression on the audience at the conclusion.
This could mean including a call to action, like “Get out there and vote” or “Let’s party!” Or it could mean ending with a question for the audience to consider, like “Where do you see our company in the next 10 years?”
6 Revise and refine
With the first draft completed, the next step is to polish it into your final speech. With an essay, the standard advice at this stage is to wait 24 hours or so before going back to edit your work so you can review it with fresh eyes. With a speech, waiting can be part of the process, but at this stage, the most important step is to practice giving the speech.
Read the first draft aloud and note any points where you stumble or the words don’t sound right. You might need to rearrange a few lines or break run-on sentences into shorter ones. If you can, have somebody listen to you give the speech and ask them for feedback. They can help you pinpoint your speech’s strongest points and opportunities for improvement. You can also get a stronger sense of the right pacing, volume, and other aspects of speech delivery this way.
Speechwriting FAQs
How long should a good speech be?
A typical speech runs about 10 to 20 minutes. When written, this is approximately 1,300 to 2,600 words.
How can I make my speech more engaging for the audience?
Include intriguing statistics, unexpected facts, and where appropriate, entertaining anecdotes to make your speech more engaging for the audience.
What are some common mistakes in speechwriting, and how can I avoid them?
One common mistake in speechwriting is failing to time the speech properly. Practice reading the speech aloud so you know exactly how long it takes to deliver it—and adjust if necessary.
Another common speechwriting mistake is striking the wrong tone. As you write a speech, be mindful of the audience’s demographic and your goals for the speech. While a lighthearted, comedic speech can be great for a retirement roast, it’s not appropriate for a resignation speech.
Can I use humor in my speech, and how?
Yes, you can use humor in your speech, but be mindful about how you employ it. Make sure the humor will “land” with most, ideally all, of the people in the audience. Nobody should be offended or confused by the humor. A good approach is to have somebody listen to your speech and give feedback before you actually present it to your audience. They can tell you if the humor is effective.