As a student, you’re expected to write papers, essays, and reports that are clear, concise, and informative. One of the ways you can enhance your writing style and make it more engaging is by using synonyms for words you commonly use.
You might come across the word lastly in your academic reading materials or during lectures. But what does this term actually mean? In this article, we’ll explore the definition of lastly and give you a list of synonyms that you can use in your writing to avoid repetition and enhance your vocabulary.
What does lastly mean?
Lastly is an adverb that’s commonly used to introduce the final point or idea in a list or sequence. When using lastly, it’s important to remember that it should only be used when you’re introducing the final point or idea in a sequence. If you’re introducing a point that’s not the final one, you should use words like next or furthermore instead. For example, in a presentation on the benefits of exercise, you may say, “Firstly, exercise helps to improve cardiovascular health. Secondly, it can boost your mood. Lastly, it can enhance your overall quality of life.” In this context, lastly is used to signal that you’re about to present your final point on the topic.
However, there are other ways to convey the same meaning as lastly without using the word itself. Maybe you’ve used lastly earlier in your text and don’t want to repeat it, or maybe you’d prefer something other than an -ly adverb. By using synonyms, you can vary your sentence structures and make your writing more engaging.
Synonyms for lastly
Here are 18 synonyms for lastly that you can use in your writing:
1 As a concluding remark
2 As a final point
3 As a final thought
4 At last
5 Closing out
6 Conclusively
7 Finally
8 In conclusion
9 In summary
10 In the end
11 Last but not least
12 To bring it all together
13 To conclude
14 To draw a final conclusion
15 To finish off
16 To sum up
17 To wrap up
18 Ultimately
When to use a word other than lastly
You should choose the appropriate transitional word based on the context, tone, and purpose of your writing. For example, if you want to emphasize the finality of your point, ultimately or in conclusion may be more appropriate than lastly. On the other hand, if you want to highlight the importance of a point, last, but not least may be a better choice.
Lastly examples
- Lastly, I want to thank you for a wonderful party. Until next time!
- Johan dropped his backpack in a puddle, tripped on the sidewalk, and, lastly, forgot the key to the gate.
- The candidate is well qualified: They’re accomplished, eager to jump in, and, lastly, their colleagues speak kindly of them.
- Here are some reasons to sign up: first, you get books in the mail; second, you’re introduced to new types of literature; lastly, the book group only meets four times a year.
Lastly FAQs
What does lastly mean?
Lastly is an adverb that is commonly used to introduce the final point or idea in a list or sequence. Lastly is used to signal that you’re about to present your concluding point on the topic.
When to use a word other than lastly
It’s important to choose the appropriate transitional word based on the context and purpose of our writing. For example, if we want to emphasize the finality of a statement, ultimately or in conclusion may be more appropriate than lastly. When you use the same words and phrases repeatedly, your writing can become dull and repetitive. By incorporating different words and synonyms, you can keep your readers engaged and make your writing more effective.
What are some synonyms for lastly?
- As a final point
- Finally
- In conclusion
- To sum up
- Ultimately
This blog post was written with the support of Grammarly’s generative AI.