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Grammarly Wants to Help You Learn How To Write Everything

Updated on May 22, 2019Writing Tips

We love to help people achieve their writing goals.

On our quest to improve lives by improving communication, we’ve written a lot of content about how to write things. From technical résumés to nonfiction book pitches, emails to restaurant reviews, we’ve covered many the types of writing our users love. We even have a section of this blog dedicated to how-tos.

But we haven’t covered everything our users write—yet.

For the month of March, we’ll be showing you how to write, well, everything. Some of the tips we share might be oldies but goodies. A few of the types of writing we cover may not even be considered “writing.” We’ll be covering as many types of writing as our team can think up, then collecting them to distill and share with our community.

But we need your help.

Throughout the month, we’ll be asking what types of writing are the most confusing. Reach out on Twitter to let us know what types of writing you need the most help with using the hashtag #HowToWrite. Are you stuck in your fanfic writing process? Does your apology email sound insincere? Do you have a movie you’re dying to review? Let our team know, and we’ll try to send accurate tips and templates your way to make your writing life a little easier.

But it doesn’t stop there. We also need your advice! We’re asking our community of talented writers for their best blogging tips over the next week. After we collect all your tricks, we’ll share them in—you guessed it—a blog post. So send your thoughts our way on Twitter or comment below.

Your writing, at its best.
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