As a team leader, you’ve probably spent weeks (or even months) nurturing your team. After creating goal-oriented strategies for each employee and broadcasting your mission, you may think all of the traditional drivers are in place to motivate your team to greatness.
The reality is, communicating your plans and targets isn’t enough to motivate each individual team member—and if one person doesn’t consistently play their part, the foundation you built could quickly collapse.
It’s your responsibility to garner individual commitment from each of your employees so that the group can succeed.
One of the most effective ways to do so is through positive communication. Since motivation comes in many forms, your communication must inspire an intrinsic desire to not just check something off a list, but to act with intention and purpose toward achieving something. It is only through positive communication that this desire, which comes from deep within, can be activated.
Here are several strategies for using positive communication to motivate your team at work.
Think before you communicate
When speaking to your employees, what is the tone that you’re giving off? Are you letting your emotions affect the positive tone of your message? As a leader, your delivery always matters. While some people might prefer an email that clarifies your expectations, others may work more effectively after a rousing kick-off meeting. Before you communicate, think about the delivery method that works best for each team member based on their personality traits and preferences.
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Keep everyone in the loop
When communicating with your team, it’s important to build trust and loyalty by sharing relevant updates and key information. This way, you can avoid feelings of doubt or suspicion, which may arise if your team isn’t aware of impending changes that could affect their jobs. Don’t leave your employees guessing. They deserve to be kept in the loop, and doing so can create a strong sense of team unity.
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Don’t shy away from feedback
People like to know where they stand, especially in terms of their performance at work. Delivering frequent feedback is an essential workplace motivator, yet only 29 percent of employees say they always “know” whether their performance is sufficient, according to Forbes. Sharing small, specific observations on a weekly basis will give your team incentive to work harder—and smarter. For most, your feedback will be welcomed and will spark helpful self-evaluation and reflection among your staff, which is essential to making improvements.
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Express gratitude
Simply saying “thank you” to your employee after they’ve completed a task or goal will instantly boost morale. This is mainly because feeling appreciated or recognized is extremely powerful in the workplace. Creating a culture where gratitude is frequently expressed is a great way to keep your team motivated. Beyond the gratitude that you demonstrate, you should also strive to create opportunities for peer-to-peer recognition, as this is known to positively impact loyalty and the organization’s success as a whole.
Motivating an individual or a team can be tricky, but by using these positive communication strategies, you can inspire your employees to work harder with intention toward a shared goal.