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6 Ways to Build Confidence at Work

Updated on June 2, 2022Professionals

Whether you’re starting in a new role or facing challenges in your current one, everyone has moments where they might question their abilities. Building your confidence at work can go a long way to helping you be successful in your job.

It’s also the difference between career advancement and stagnation. If you show confidence in your everyday work, you’re more likely to achieve acknowledgment from your manager. This will put you in better stead for a promotion or increased responsibilities.

What’s more, being confident at work can have a positive effect on your colleagues, allowing you to build your working relationships both in and out of the office. This makes for a better all-around working experience.

So, here are six ways to build your confidence at work.

1. Ask questions

An inquisitive employee is usually one that learns the fastest. If you’re unsure about something, whether simple or complex, just ask questions. You’ll spend far less time asking questions than trying to figure it out on your own.

This is a sure-fire way for you to get to know the way the company operates. Growing comfortable with the company culture is very important and can help you to integrate with your colleagues. Alongside this, it shows your boss that you’re keen to understand how the work you’re doing impacts the wider business. Just remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question!

2. Focus on your strengths

Everybody has strengths in the workplace. Whether yours is copywriting, creating financial reports, or delivering a sales pitch, focus on it. You probably had to work hard to become great at those things in the first place.

Succeeding at the things you are good at will give you the confidence to attempt other tasks that you haven’t had much experience in or that require skills you aren’t comfortable using. Instead, consider ways in which you can develop in these areas to help build your confidence in completing them.

What’s more, if a colleague is struggling with a certain task you’re proficient at, offer to lend a hand. Teaching someone a skill can give you confidence and when the time comes, you can ask for them to return the favor by helping you.

3. Talk to your colleagues

Whether you’re socializing or discussing a task you’re working on together, talking to your colleagues is an excellent way to build relationships in the workplace. It’s easy to be friendly—make sure to greet your co-workers each morning and ask questions to get to know the people you’re working alongside every day.

Forging friendships at work is crucial, not just socially, but mentally as well. You’re far more likely to enjoy getting out of bed in the morning if you get on with your colleagues. In turn, working with people you like will help you to feel more comfortable and confident at work.

4. Stay organized

Staying organized is imperative. If you manage your workflow effectively throughout the week, you’ll be organized, prepared, and confident to overcome any task.

The best way to achieve this is by writing lists. A daily and weekly list of your tasks will help you organize them by priority, where you can also delegate more time to the tasks that you’re not 100% comfortable with. Knowing how your day will pan out each morning will give you confidence that you won’t be overwhelmed with your workload. Just ensure to make a few moments now and then to take a break and socialize with colleagues.

5. Don’t procrastinate

On top of staying organized, it’s equally important to avoid procrastinating your tasks. You will never gain confidence in completing a certain task if you always put it off. Address it head-on and if you struggle, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You never learn unless you try!

6. Build a relationship with your boss

Not only can building a relationship with your manager lead to growing confidence, but it can also increase your chances of career advancement. Every little detail will add up, so constant communication is key.

You’re far more likely to enjoy your role and feel confident in your job security if you have a good working relationship with your supervisor.

Stay engaged, organized and face your tasks head-on. And as a result, your confidence will grow as you get more proficient at your job.

Setting out a daily plan is an excellent way to stay on top of your work-load and avoid procrastination. Don’t forget to build relationships and friendships in your workplace with colleagues and managers, and have fun working hard to make a difference in your company.

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