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Baseball Fans Come Out Swinging in 2016 MLB Grammar Power Rankings

Updated on August 24, 2017Grammar

The Boys of Summer are in their glory! Last year, we ranked all thirty Major League Baseball teams by how well their fans write when they’re talking them up or just playing armchair coach online. Our ranking was such a hit that we decided to make it an annual event.

We gathered 3,000 fan comments (of fifteen words or more) posted to each MLB team’s SB Nation blog between June 1 and June 14, 2016. We then used the Grammarly editor to detect grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation errors in each comment and used the sums to calculate the average number of errors per 100 words. Updates to Grammarly’s algorithms and an increase in our study sample size changed the numbers game this year. Our 2015 study analyzed 4,500 fan comments from The 2016 study sample size was twenty times that (90,000 total comments.) The larger sample, coupled with our software’s more objective grammar checks, meant that writing scores improved across the board.

This year, top honors went to the Miami Marlins. Marlins fans made an average 1.39 mistakes per 100 words. Baseball fans from Ohio also swung for the fences, with the Cleveland Indians and Cincinnati Reds coming in second and third. Saint Louis Cardinals fans, on the other hand, should’ve spent some time honing their writing skills during spring training. Their average of 2.2 errors per 100 words landed them in last place. National League fans edged out American League fans with 1.79 mistakes per 100 words versus 1.82.

How did your favorite team’s fans stack up? Take a look at our 2016 Grammar Power Rankings to find out.

MLB 2016 Grammar Power Rankings Infographic

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