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Introducing Grammarly Insights

Updated on May 28, 2019Product

Note: A newer and improved version of our Grammarly Insights email was created in 2017. Find out about it here.

Stats. They are everywhere. They are in your sports, your weather forecast, and now they are being used by Grammarly, too. Unlike that statistics class you took that one time, Grammarly Insights are designed to provide you with useful information about how you write.

Some of you may have noticed that we started sending you a weekly progress report via email each Monday. Many Grammarly users spend more time writing online than they may realize. Think about it. Between emails, blog posts, and status updates, our users are writing the equivalent of a novel each month, on average. That’s a lot of words! But what does that mean for you? Well, read on to find out.

Screenshot from Grammarly Insights email. Text says: June 22 - June 28. Your weekly writing update. "And what, you ask, does writing teach us? First and foremost, it reminds us that we are alive and that it is a gift a privilege, not a right." —Ray Bradbury

This progress report is an analysis of your writing with Grammarly and provides insights that may help you to become an even better writer. Your progress report looks at three main components of your writing: activity, mastery, and vocabulary.

A circle with a notebook inside is beside text that says: Activity. 2605 words written. You were more active than 81% of Grammarly users.


Activity measures your total word count for the week and also shows how often you used Grammarly compared to all Grammarly users. Our most active users are those who are utilizing our free browser extension in addition to our web-based Editor (or Grammarly for Microsoft(R) Office). Hey, all those status updates and emails really start to add up!


A circle with papers and a checkmark inside beside text that says: Mastery. 35 mistakes made. You were more accurate than 70% of Grammarly users.


Mastery analyzes how many (or how few) mistakes you corrected with Grammarly as it relates to total words written. The fewer mistakes you need to correct with Grammarly, the more accurately you write. You can also see how well you did compared to all Grammarly users.

A stack of books in a circle beside text that says: Vocabulary. 745 unique words used. Your vocabulary was more dynamic than 86% of Grammarly users.


Vocabulary examines your lexicon and word usage. This section will show you how many unique words you’ve written throughout the prior week. The percentage shown lets you know how dynamic—meaning, how varied and diverse—your vocabulary is relative to Grammarly users.

Text that says: Top Grammar mistakes. 1. Missing comma in compound sentence. 20 mistakes. 2. Missing article. 12 mistakes. 3 unnecessary ellipsis. 9 mistakes.


Everyone makes mistakes. This section is designed to prevent you from making the same mistakes twice— or 17 times. This is where you’ll find the exact term for your three most frequent grammatical errors corrected with Grammarly.

Text that says: Your spelling adversaries. Oppertunity to opportunity.


From time to time you’ll notice this section of your report. Your Spelling Adversaries points out the word you most frequently corrected with Grammarly within the previous week.

Text that says: Overused words. Here are the top 2 words you overused in your writing last week. Tip: You'll notice a few suggested synonyms (in blue) that you can try next time to keep your writing fresh. The word sense is written in large text with the following words in blue underneath: feeling, discernment, discretion, reason, sensation. Learn is written in large text with blue words underneath: discover, uncover, study, acquire, memorize.


This section highlights the words you tend to use the most in your writing. Beneath each overused word, we suggest five synonyms you can use to enhance your vocabulary and perfect your writing.


A lightbulb with text that says: Writing tip of the week: Quotation Marks. Quotation makes come in singles or doubles and they always come in sets of two. In fiction, quotation marks are quite common as they go around all dialogue; in non-fiction they should be judiciously used around quotes to prove a point or support a thesis. A large button says: Learn more.


Lastly, Grammarly Insights starts each week with a helpful writing tip. We include these tips each week to help guide your writing.

Have you received your Grammarly Insights digest yet? If not, sign up for Grammarly today and see a difference in your writing. We are constantly refining Grammarly Insights and looking for more ways to keep our writers engaged. We hope this new weekly email will be insightful for you! If you have any questions about Grammarly Insights or if you have suggestions for making it better, feel free to reach out to us via email:

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