Instant Citations,
for Free

Generate APA, MLA, and Chicago-style citations with Grammarly. Grammarly automatically creates citations for source sites, provides academic writing support, detects plagiarism, and proofreads your writing so you can do better work in less time.

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A user creating a citation using Grammarly and copying to the clipboard

Beyond Citations: Everything You Need to Ace Your Assignments

Paper icon
Ensure your essay has flawless citations and no plagiarism.
Magnifying glass over a document
Proofread instantly, and make your writing mistake-free.
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94% of students say Grammarly Premium helped improve their grades.
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Feedback comes with explanations to help you improve over time.

Grammarly: The AI Writing Partner for Better Grades

Real-time feedback on every assignment helps you create standout introductions, flawless citations, and everything in between. Be confident your written work will make the grade with Grammarly.

Get citations within seconds

Get automatically generated citations when you visit popular online source sites. Preformatted in your choice of APA, MLA, or Chicago style guides, these copy-and-paste-ready citations will save you time and effort.
Grammarly generates a citation from your web browser
Grammarly helps you brainstorm topics for your assignment

Use generative AI responsibly

Instantly brainstorm, create outlines, and improve arguments while properly disclosing your use of AI.

Never lose points over citation formatting

Grammarly follows the latest APA, MLA, and Chicago style guides to keep your periods, parentheses, and other punctuation consistent when you cite sources.
Our brains are a complex labyrinth (Hernandez, 18).
40% of your text matches an existing source.

Keep your writing original

Avoid accidental plagiarism. While you write, Grammarly identifies passages that may need references and shows you what the source may be.

Make your ideas clear

More than just a punctuation or spell checker, Grammarly helps you clean up tangled, unclear sentences to get your point across.
Example of a clarity suggestion from Grammarly
Grammarly corrects your spelling and grammar

Proofread with ease

Clean up typos, grammatical mistakes, and misplaced punctuation with just a few clicks.

Works Where You Write

Whether you're writing a paper or discussing materials online, Grammarly is here to help you show up with confidence.
Google Docs
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Outlook
Google Sheets

Grammarly makes citations so easy and delightful. While working on my final dissertation, I saw a Grammarly pop-up on a research article just when I needed it. In one click, I got my citation. That's what you call the right feature at the right time!

Sreekiran A.R.
M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at University of Birmingham

Grammarly's citation features save me time and stress as I know my referencing has been taken care of for me. Life-saver!

Lauren Hawke
Student, Human Nutrition

Trusted by Students and Educators at Over 3,000 Institutions, Including:

UCLAHarvard MedicalMITIndia Institute of ManagementNYC Department of EducationPenn State Cornell UniversityPepperdineUniversity of FloridaDelaware State UniversityIndiana University
Johns Hopkins
NorthwesternUNCWIndia Institute of Management

Improve Your Writing and Boost Your Grades

Join students from over 3,000 institutions worldwide to see why 94% of them say Grammarly helped improve their grades. 

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Privacy Policy. California residents, see our CA Privacy Notice.