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“Fair” vs. “Fare”: How to Choose the Right Word

Updated on June 10, 2024Commonly Confused Words

What’s the difference between fair and fare?

Understanding the difference between fair and fare is crucial for clear communication. Fair is primarily an adjective meaning just, equitable, or attractive, and it can also be a noun referring to a public event. Fare, on the other hand, is a noun that refers to the price paid for a journey on public transportation or, less commonly, as a verb meaning to get along or succeed. Knowing when to use fair vs. fare depends on the context of your sentence. For example, “She received a fair grade on her exam” versus “The bus fare is $2.50”.

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How do you use fair in a sentence?

When to use fair in a sentence? Fair is versatile and can be used in various contexts, such as describing justice, weather, or appearance.

Examples of fair in a sentence

  • The judge made a fair decision based on the evidence.
  • It was a fair day, perfect for a picnic.
  • She has a fair complexion and blue eyes.

How do you use fare in a sentence?

When to use fare in a sentence? Fare commonly refers to the cost of travel but can also imply how someone is doing or managing.

Examples of fare in a sentence

  • The bus fare increased to $3.00 last month.
  • How did you fare on your final exams?
  • We enjoyed the local fare at the food festival.

Fair vs. fare: Definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Fair (adjective): Just and equitable. Example: He made a fair judgment.

Fair (noun): A public event. Example: We had fun at the county fair.

Pronunciation: /fer/

Fare (noun): The cost of a journey. Example: The fare for the train is $5.00.

Fare (verb): To get along or succeed. Example: She fared well in the competition.

Pronunciation: /fer/

Fair vs. fare in a nutshell

In summary, fair and fare are homophones with distinct meanings. Fair often relates to justice, attractiveness, or events, while fare usually pertains to travel costs or well-being. Understanding the context of your sentence will help you choose the correct term. For more insights on commonly confused words and what are homophones, visit Grammarly’s blog.

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