Your Go-To Guide for English Grammar
Make mistake-free writing your superpower. Try Grammarly’s free grammar checker to find and fix any lingering typos, and check out our handy resources to get a better understanding of English grammar topics like syntax, mechanics, and punctuation.

What Is Grammar?
Grammar is a set of language rules that allows you to combine individual words to make different meanings. Your writing is stronger, clearer, and more effective when you follow grammar rules. Learn more about the principles of grammar and see how polished writing is brilliant writing.
Free Online Grammar Checker
Fix any punctuation, grammar, or spelling errors with a single click. Grammarly's AI-powered writing assistance helps ensure your writing is spotless.
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Your Words Shine
Submit your best work with proper grammar and impeccable word choice. Grammarly makes mistake-free writing easy with proactive, real-time feedback and full-sentence rewrites, all at your fingertips.
Sharpen Your Grammar
Good grammar is a major key to building credibility. Boost your grammar skills with these basic tips and present polished, professional writing every time.
Parts of Speech

Frequently Asked Questions
What is grammar?
Grammar is a set of language rules for how words are used in sentences and change in different situations.
Why is grammar important in writing?
Like any set of rules, grammar provides structure and standards, in this case, for writing. Grammar allows you to combine individual words to create different meanings and communicate effectively. Your writing is clearer and easier to understand when you apply the rules of grammar.
What are the basic rules of grammar?
There are a few grammar rules you should always consider, such as: all sentences need a subject and a verb, adjectives go directly before the noun they describe or after if separated by a verb, and a comma connects two ideas. When you grasp the fundamentals, you can avoid common mistakes.
What are some common grammar mistakes in English?
With thousands of grammar rules in the English language, it can be hard not to miss one. Some common grammar slip-ups are incorrect subject-verb agreement, fragmented sentences, missing commas, apostrophe misuse, misplaced modifiers, and incorrect word usage. Thanks to Grammarly's online grammar checker, you can always catch those easy-to-miss mistakes.
How can I improve my grammar?
Getting better at grammar can take time. Sharpen your skills by understanding pivotal parts of speech, read more to build vocabulary, and double-check your writing with the best grammar checker to correct any mistakes.
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