Grammarly for Enterprise

Get It Right.
Every Team.
Every Time.

Your org spends half of the week on written communication. It’s vital to your business. With Grammarly’s AI, your team can produce high-quality, on-brand, compliant writing in a few clicks, not a few hours.
Showing how Grammarly can create a campaign brief from scratch
Trusted by 70,000+ teams worldwide

Better Words, Better Numbers

When all docs, messages, and tickets are clear and concise, everything works better. Enterprises using Grammarly report up to:
17x ROI Per Employee per year
$5,000 saved per employee per year
153 hours saved per employee per year
52% less time spent writing to clients

Make No Mistake

Your team works hard to protect your company from costly slipups and inaccuracies. With Grammarly, you avoid them in just a click.
Style guide suggestion from Grammarly to ensure AcmeCo is on brand

Always on-brand

Upload your style guide so teams get relevant, context-aware, real-time suggestions. Whenever you add new brand or industry language, your team can make the switch instantly, everywhere.
A Grammarly user typing out an e-mail in Outlook and a writing suggestion from Grammarly appearing

Always strategic

Remove the guesswork from effective communication. Strategic suggestions identify your team’s goal and audience and recommend ways to maximize their impact.
Grammarly providing generative AI content for a job description

Always fast

Use Grammarly's generative AI to write an instant first draft—or summary, or template, or outline—using your company’s knowledge and voice.

Optimized for Enterprise

Multiple outlines of people with a gear icon

Governance and control

Grammarly is an org-wide solution with a one-day setup, SAML single sign-on, and provisioning. Assign granular permissions and enforce identity-related controls.
Lock over toggles

Actionable analytics

View usage and audit logs, track improvements and drill down by team, and analyze brand tones usage across your org.
Three people with a checkmark above them

High-caliber service

A dedicated account team of customer success managers and solution engineers will help you hit your goals.

Works Where You Work

No context switching required. Grammarly provides one consistent experience across 500,000+ apps and sites.
Google Docs
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Teams
Google Sheets

Secure, Private, and Responsible AI

Grammarly provides enterprise-grade security for AI built with fairness and safety in mind. Customer data is never sold or used by third parties to train models. We never use our enterprise customers text to train any of our models.

Learn More →
Various logos around the Grammarly logo to show trust
“I used to spend 20–30 hours a week reviewing, rewriting, and coaching. Grammarly has cut that by at least half, and that’s allowed my team to scale without scaling.”

Neil Hamilton
Head of Editorial
Neil Hamilton
“Grammarly allows us to scale and spend more time on high-impact projects. It reduces the writing minutiae so we can focus on helping our global audiences in meaningful ways.”

Matt Torman
Marketing Content Manager
Matt Torman

The Most Effective AI is Also the Safest

One-third of Fortune 500 companies use Grammarly to work faster, hit their goals, and protect their data.

Want to deploy Grammarly for a single team rather than enterprise-wide?

Learn about Grammarly for Business →