AI Writing Tools For
Effortless Writing

Try using these generative AI tools to write cover letters, business reports, job descriptions, and more. Just enter some instructions and get compelling, mistake-free AI writing that's tailored to your goals.

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Hands typing on a laptop keyboard

AI Tools for General Writing

Magic wand and lined paper


Turn your complex ideas into concise summaries, instantly.

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Icon of a paper, pen, and envelope

Full-Paragraph Writing

Your document will get a head start with AI that can write entire paragraphs.

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bright lightbulb icon


Boost your creativity by generating ideas for any project or document.

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Letter and button-up shirt icon

Formal Letter

Strike the right tone for business and personal letters with this AI writing tool.

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Document with checkmark icon


Overcome writer's block with AI assistance. Quickly generate a draft and write on.

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Document with speech bubble icon

Sentence Rewriter

Quickly rephrase sentences to ensure your wording is unique.

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Document and cursor icon

Paragraph Rewriter

Use this tool to rephrase entire paragraphs efficiently.

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Article icon

Rewording Tool

Use AI to reword text in just a few clicks.

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AI Tools for Your Job Search

Document icon

Cover Letter

Get personalized, professional cover letters for the jobs you're applying to right now.

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Document and glasses icon

Résumé Objective

Pinpoint an objective that will help your résumé stand out.

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Résumé icon

Résumé Skills

Let this AI tool write your résumé. Create a compelling list of skills in seconds.

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AI Tools for Writing at Work

Envelope and letter icon


Get the responses you want by generating emails that are clear, concise, and personable.

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Article icon

Job Description

AI can help you instantly generate standout job descriptions that attract top candidates.

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Target and arrow

Business Plan

Get a pithy, goal-oriented one-pager for your business plan and get going.

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Chart icon

Business Report

Turn findings into a well-formatted report for any audience, on any topic.

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Coin icon

Value Proposition

Get a compelling product or company value prop in seconds with this AI writing tool.

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Folder icon

Executive Summary

Draft an executive summary for any business document.

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Document with checkmark icon

Letter of Resignation

Let this AI text generator find the right words to navigate a tricky transition.

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AI Tools for Marketers

Laptop with checkmark

Blog Post

Go from blank page to polished blog post in seconds.

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On-brand document icon


Use this AI text generator to create a catchy slogan for a brand, campaign, or event.

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Laptop with message icon

Instagram Caption

Give your photo or video a written caption in seconds by having AI write it.

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AI Tools for Students

clarity document

Thesis Statement

Thesis statements are hard. Get some ideas for what you want to say in your paper or essay.

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Person and document icon

Personal Statement

Write a compelling college or grad school application essay by starting with great ideas from Grammarly.

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Smarter AI For Smarter Writing

Grammarly is the AI writing partner that understands the larger context of your email or document, so its writing works for you.
number one
Simple prompts and instructions can deliver a compelling draft in seconds.
number two
A few clicks can transform any text to the right tone, length, and clarity you need.
number three
Polish your final draft with strategic revisions, suggested based on your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a text generator?

An AI text generator, powered by a large language model (LLM) and natural language processing approaches, is software that composes text. When prompted, AI text generators can create topic ideas, emails, blog posts, articles, and more.

How is AI text generated?

When you enter a specific request into an AI writing assistant, it is called a prompt. Prompts can be sentences or short phrases giving direction. They can include commands such as “Write an email congratulating the sales team on closing 30% more deals than in the previous quarter.”

Why use AI for writing?

Using an AI content writer can help you come up with ideas and finish writing tasks more quickly. With generative AI, you can instantly write, brainstorm, rewrite, and reply with an AI writing partner that takes your context and goals into account.

What kinds of content can writing AI create?

AI text generators can help you brainstorm ideas, outlines, and documents. You can get AI-generated text for emails, articles, résumés, and more—all ready for you to review in seconds.

What is the best AI text generator?

The best AI text generator is the one you trust to work consistently and seamlessly where you need it. Grammarly's AI is the only one that assists you directly in the apps and website where you already write—which means no toggling back-and-forth between apps, websites, and chatbots to get your tasks done.

How do I generate text with Grammarly?

You can use the tools on this page to generate one-off writing for specific purposes. For all-purpose, all-in-one AI writing help, sign up for Grammarly to get a monthly allowance of prompts to generate AI writing on any digital surface you need. Once you've downloaded Grammarly, simply open a document or start an email draft and click the Grammarly button to launch its AI writing capabilities. Enter a prompt with instructions and key information to personalize its written output.

Who can use Grammarly’s free AI text generation?

Generative AI is included in all Grammarly plans, with different monthly AI prompt allowances for each plan. For more information, visit our Plans page.

How is my data kept safe when I use Grammarly's generative AI features?

Grammarly is committed to responsible AI development, and that includes upholding user privacy and enterprise data security. Grammarly never sells user data. Read more about how we put security and privacy at the heart of everything our team does.

What else does Grammarly offer in addition to AI text generation?

Grammarly's AI-enabled suggestions do much more than generate text. For more than a decade, Grammarly has helped people better express themselves and understand each other through real-time guidance on clarity, tone, correctness and more.

Check Your Writing

Grammarly can do more than generate text. It can also check your spelling, polish your grammar, and reword sentences in seconds. Here are a few other useful tools that can support you.

Improve Your Writing With AI

Join the 30 million people and 70,000+ teams using Grammarly to write efficiently every day.

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Privacy Policy. California residents, see our CA Privacy Notice.