Grammarly for Google Docs

Write clear, mistake-free documents with real-time writing feedback from Grammarly.
Example of a Google doc vocabulary suggestion
Improve grammar, clarity, word choice, and more.
Review and apply edits quickly with the Grammarly sidebar.
Save time
Prompt Grammarly to get instant drafts, intelligent rewrites, and more.

Install Grammarly’s browser extension and start writing in minutes.

Write Your Best with Grammarly for Google Docs

Grammar suggestion correcting less to fewer

Catch spelling and grammar issues

Get confident with writing mechanics. Grammarly gives real-time feedback on commas, commonly confused words, and more.

Eliminate wordiness

Replace wordy phrases that bog down your writing with crisp, concise alternatives.
Example of a conciseness recommendation
Clarity suggestion in the Grammarly product

Make yourself clear

Long, complicated sentences are hard to understand, even if they’re grammatically correct. Grammarly suggests concise alternatives for wordy phrases. Try Grammarly Premium for full-sentence rewrite suggestions.

Improve word choice

Got something on the tip of your tongue? Grammarly provides word choice enhancements to help you say precisely what you mean.
Vocabulary suggestion in the Grammarly product

Find Your Momentum With
Generative AI Assistance

Grammarly Free provides you with a monthly allowance of prompts to power Grammarly's generative AI features. Use these prompts across apps and websites to compose drafts, rewrite text, generate ideas, and quickly respond to emails.

Accelerate your writing process

Prompt Grammarly’s generative text feature with basic instructions to get polished drafts in seconds. You give some background, and Grammarly gets your message onto the page.
Illustration of how to prompt GrammarlyGO
Illustration of how to prompt Grammarly to generate ideas

Ideas that come to you

Jump-start any document with ideas or structure delivered straight to the page you’re already on. Brainstorms, outlines, and new perspectives are at your fingertips.

Grammarly allows me to get those communications out and feel confident that I’m putting my best foot forward. Grammarly is like a little superpower, especially when I need to be at 110%.

Jeanette Stock
Co-founder of Venture Out

Works Where You Write

Add one of Grammarly’s browser extensions to receive writing suggestions in Google Docs and other sites across the web.

Cleaner, Clearer Documents in Seconds

Join over 30 million people and 70,000 teams who use Grammarly to improve their writing every day.